Inductor measurement under bias is essential for properly characterizing the series inductors. The J2131A Inductor Bias system allows you to perform this test accurately and quickly using any VNA or oscilloscope with FRA features using the popular 2-port shunt-through impedance measurement.
- High current DC Bias Source for measuring inductors
- DC Bias Source is 0-125Amps (from a 5A power supply input)
- Uses the 2-port shunt- through measurement to compute value over frequency and DC bias
- Multiple levels of protection for inductor disconnects
- Measure inductors from nH to 1uH
What's included:
J2131A DC Bias Source
P9610A Power Supply
J2113A Differential Amplifier
Three (3) PDN Cables - Two (2) 0.5m BNC-SMA cables and One (1) 0.25m BNC-BNC cable
Two (2) Inductor Mounts - one with heatsinks and one without heatsinks
1 Year Warranty
* Biased Inductor Measurement Requirements and Notes:
The J2131A uses the 2-port shunt through test configuration to perform the inductor measurement. It cannot perform the measurement by itself.
The 2-port shunt through measurement REQUIRES a ground loop breaker, such as the J2113A.
The PDN cables are optional but provide improved accuracy in the 2-port measurement, so they are recommended.
Additionally, the J2131A must be powered by a power supply capable of supply enough current (current gets multiplied by a factor of 5). The P9610A is recommended.
Many applications such as Power Distribution Network (PDN) design, require series inductance as part of the overall decoupling design. Good power integrity design, analysis, and simulation requires that models be accurate.
Inductor measurement under bias is essential for properly characterizing the series inductors. The J2131A Inductor Bias system allows you to perform this test accurately and quickly using any VNA or oscilloscope with FRA features using the popular 2-port shunt-through impedance measurement.
You can bias the inductors in a continuous fashion from 0ADC to 125ADC while measuring the inductance changes over bias and frequency. Easy ADS, SPICE, and s-parameter (Touchstone) model generation is then possible.
What's included in the J2131ABUNDLE
J2131A DC Bias Source, P9610A Power Supply, J2113A Differential Amp, Three (3) PDN Cables (Two (2) 0.5m BNC-SMA cables and One (1) 0.25m BNC-BNC cable) The bundle enables the 2-port shunt through measurement for your VNA or oscilloscope with FRA features * |
Picotest J2131A DC Bias Source
Characteristic Typical Units Line Voltage 100-250 ACVrms Power Line 47-63 Hz Max. Current Consumption 250m A Max DC Voltage 15 VDC Max DC Current 5.21 A Environment 0-40 C Recommended Power Supply P9610A Note: Excessive overheating of the inductor can desolder it from the mount. This or breakage of the inductor can damage the instrument. USE ONLY PICOTEST INDUCTOR MOUNTS. DO NOT OPERATE MORE THAN 10 MIN AT 125 AMPS.
Caution: To avoid equipment damage and/or severe injuries or death ensure that the absolute maximum ratings are observed and not exceeded at all times.